Thursday, October 18, 2012

Found Face Story

Blair Howard
The shrieks of children echoed in the background. The night of the hallows had arrived and Blair Howard had began his job scaring children just looking for the sweetness in the night. He was always a shy and quiet one but Blair just seeked happiness yet received slight satisfaction from terrifying little ones. He had never experienced any other emotions other than sadness and the fear he caused. Blair was always searching for his family yet always failed. He lost them quite recently in fact and was convinced that they had been put on another window somewhere and were looking for him. Just as they detective family of the Howards always do.

Four hours had past since the first children and he became bored of the same drill for each set of youngin’s. Blair began singing songs of terror. He sang often only to past the time. A small child saw him singing and looked with eyes of greed. Looking both ways, as if he was crossing the street, grabbed Blair and yanked him from his what seemed like a safe perch. The kid skipped off with his new jewel as if nothing had happened. Blair had been stuck to the inside of the devilish kids candy pail, which was shaped like a jack o'lantern, and was ripped away from his home. Each hour the pail would fill with another inches of sweets. Soon the candy was covering Blair’s face and it had been hard to breath. The evil child took notice of the fact that Blair was taking up space in his bucket so he tore him from the wall and threw him over his shoulder and continued on his mission that would end with an expensive dentist bill.

Days past and Blair lay in his exacted spot. These days become months until it was spring time. A woman with curly red hair who was slightly overweight with her witch earrings and purple and black striped shirt had noticed Blair on the pavement. She picked him up and Blair readied himself for another destination such as a trash bin and he didn't care. He was ripped from his home and was in an unfamiliar and unpleasant place and just wanted his life to be over. But he had found his hidden talent during the long months and new he couldn't quit.

            The lady had actually not thrown him away but took him to her house, washed him up and placed him on the window. He knew it wasn't halloween any more but you couldn't tell by the women's house. It was covered head to toe or in this case roof to basement in Halloween decor. And from his window his window he was able to see three structures just like him across the house on the other window. He had figured it wasn't anyone he knew until he heard a familiar calling of his mother saying his name.

Name: Blair Howard 
Family: Lost until the end
Occupation: Detective
Past Time: Singing
Hidden Talent: Courage.

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